conversational drift, informatic license, exquisite enclaves by jouke kleerebezem
notes, quotes, provocations and other fair use
[19 October 2003] local parenting ahead
Serious avoidance of carnivore plants, unfavourable winds, killer bats and other zoological atrocity. Serious avoidance of any other business but Zelda the Wind Waker on NGC. All Sunday R+r+J are devoured by the adventures of sympathetic Link.
[18 October 2003] ascension
I start pushing the wheelbarrow for next year's exhibition at De Paviljoens. By all means June is only 7 months or a winter and springtime away. It'll be my first personal exhibition since 1993, Kryptotheka in de Archipel Apeldoorn NL and a first larger institutional presentation since 1990, The Irremediable Narrative at the Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven NL. It will bring all new work, and a new installation for some older work. It'll be visual, graphical, informational, poetical, didactic and particularly material. High Res.
17 stomps into 18 October on the rpm of Public Enemy's She Watch Channel Zer0?! Long time no hear repeat that beat. Shewatch shewatch shewatch shewatch shewatch... tonight I'm like when the ear was glued to the Blaupunkt, for Radio Veronica, 192 meter piracy before FM.
[17 October 2003] a common conscience
Often when I act conscientiously I think of Joke R. The capital R being the first letter of her last name is added to avoid any misunderstanding among my readers, between a Dutch first name and the MS Word synonym (frankly thats all I use it for: spelling and synonyms) for gag, or prank, or witticism. My conscience is no joke to me. Neither does it speak too loud, thus allowing for room to move around my deep loves and deep frustrations. If these come to the surface outside their dedicated articulation in my art and public writing, they may well be pushed there by that conscience. My thoughts go to her, as in a reflex. Sometimes I understand this reflex as an intuition to contact her. She may pick up the phone, even halfway the machines message, if her conscience or intuition takes over. She may call back later, or mail.
After I wrote this letter this morning, sent away as an email, I wondered what has become of correspondence, as a person-to-person highly personal, private contact, for which the confidentiality of the mail was invented. Would it be ridiculous to speak off a confidentiality of the weblog? Cant we conceive of a complex confidentiality, which for example makes one decide not to link to one or another document.
What are the ethics of weblog publishing? I don't mean the personal ethics of the author, but a confidentiality native to the format. Can there be? Would it follow an ethic of other public utterances, and if so, how would these translate?
Why not, how very apt unethically, let the Internet decide... weblog ethics googles 1,120 hits, against a breathtaking 12,100,000 for weblog it is certainly not on every bloggers mind heres one vision in who elses but Rebecca's Pocket. I'll use some time to scan some of the other hits.
Giving it more thought, the weblogs native confidentiality is precisely in its hesitation between the private and the public, protecting neither one of these spheres against the other, obviously without simply mixing them irrespective of their proper qualities.
Disclaimer. For those believers who claim such a thing as a publication can have no native ethics, or confidentiality, let me add precision here: it is exactly about what sort of confidentiality a certain utterance might invite in who utters. Like Joke invites my conscience.
(Later confidentiality). Have you forgotten, that once we were brought here, we were robbed of our name, robbed of our language, we lost our religion, our culture, our gods... and many of us by the way we act, we even lost our mind.
local parenting ahead
Later today I pick up R+r from school to visit the doctor for Rs tuberculosis shots. I have to wriggle them from the rugby hour. Too bad. Returning home we try to place an ad for their N64 on We don't receive the confirmation email and don't see the ad. They're excited about selling. We start at €99, the new price for a new Gamecube. Lots of N64s are on offer. Theirs is quite complete so hopefully competitive. Every euro over the 80 that we lent them to buy a Platinum Zelda Wind Waker GC, just before the price dropped on the straight model, flows back to them. Next item on their wishlist is Mario Kart, released two days ago for da kube.
[16 October 2003] real time life time
To stay 24/7 with my uptime drives me crazy. This site never sleeps. One life eats all. But then again, some people never get to work.
Supposition éclairée.
local parenting ahead
With the cranes that speak to us in circles overhead before they split off into thin lines to leave for the South, with the last roses and geraniums blossoming and mushrooms in the park, winter announces itself. With the temperature dropping we dress better and blanket ourselves. Last night I zapped upon Michael Jackson in an interview. His third childs name is like Prince Michael II or something. But he calls this son Blanket. I was intrigued by sympathetic-against-the-odds Mister Jackson. Could be I'm only intrigued by the sympathy that I felt.
[15 October 2003] what's in a domain name?
At some point in the development of your production as an artist you probably would like to close off a body of work which is presented under a name, to embed it in a collection which goes by another name. While I currently owe three domains which I use and three which for the moment remain silent, I can easily see them as distinct chapters in a piece of work which encompasses those domains as well as other work.
Especially interesting is how the domains and what they contain would fit in for example with other media work, or the library, or some collections that I owe. All of my interests only coincide under my proper name. My life is not a theme in my work as an artist, although I am particularly interested in biographical practices. Only in certain circles you are what you produce, like only in certain circles you are your name. Of course has been taken (not too long ago however, since 23 December 2002, expiring a year later, with no sign of a site, by a Hans Kleerebezem in Gendringen NL). But I'm not Kleerebezem. would respect my full birth certificate name, including the hyphen. Since 1971, when I moved to Groningen from my place of birth Wassenaar, I abbreviated (and what abbreviation this is) my name to Jouke Kleerebezem. That's 5 e's in Kleerebezem, yes. Karel Lodewijk dubbel Eduard Rudolf Eduard Bernhard Eduard Zaandam Eduard Marie, as I still hear my father say on the phone. Who is he talking about?
Wondering how much I do already, or will, when coming of a more sentimental age, identify with my proper name(s), I might register or Then again it could also be, adding time and place specifics. Would my date and place of death be known to me I would add those too. Already for my stone I have once thought of a single URL added to the dates:, 1953-2053 would be fine. Certainly, with the author you bury the present attention.
What we really really need is the .bio toplevel extension.
There's an interesting history to URL representation, outside the bookmark file. URLs were first posted and advertized in full, http:// et al, 1993-5-ish. That prefix dropped soon, followed in some cases by the www. Of course the top level extension is still to be added, even more so when new ones are introduced. Of most major corporate and quite some true names you can just straight guess, first that they have an Internet domain and a website, second how to address it, both on the web as in email. There's no need to advertize URLs anymore. It's really quite pathetic if you do so., son of and Welcome the Jouke of URL. One life fits all. Hadn't she died at age 61, Yfke could have celebrated her 81st birthday today.
local parenting ahead
Last night I talked (artist) estates with Pi and Frans Tegel, who served delicious food. For a starter were freshly picked meadow mushrooms on French toast. We grilled lamb chops in the fire place over the poaching potatoes. R+r were silent as mice. We left after midnight.
Today is karate for them. They swim and do rugby at school, R+r do karate and R takes tennis lessons. Besides we finally discovered the Clamecy public library, which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays: sporting days too. After their karate hour we go to the library, while Le Mazot's Yan and David have their training. At 6pm we pick them up to drop them off.
[14 October 2003] wandering
Het dolen. Wanderlust. Wandering is in small scale motion, endless turns, repeated gestures, to meet returning problems.
Problem Rehearsal I. Dear Detail.
local parenting ahead
Roemer has a 93% score on French and a 99% on mathematics in the national CE2-level (7-8 year olds) test. Maitre Genty mentions skipping a class if lowercase r starts to show signs of being bored. But he is in love.
[13 October 2003] detour talent (for the escape artist)
Talent, object, affiliation. Life of an artist is a constant struggle between what s/he needs to do, what s/he can do and w/hat/ho to do it for. It runs all the hazards of blinding inspiration, amateur interest, a professional life and their reconciliation against that cul de sac of a choice for either one of them in neglect of the other two. Note that neither of these talented obligations translate at all in any other. There is no relationship between them, if you like. An amateur interest finds no resonance in a professional life, just as little as such a life finds resonance in blinding inspiration, while blinding inspiration will never settle with amateur interest. Hazards dont work that way, unless in the (if only for that reason) grappling artist. While not mutually exclusive, they still divide us up, inviting to a complicated threefold stretch. The final talent is to complicate ones talents to form obstructions. If you are really lucky, you might overcome these. Meanwhile your inspiration, your interests and your life build you a splendid <>>reputation.
(There is no mathematics to) The Follow Through Problem. A and B are separated forever.
Ignotum per Ignotius. Invitation Only.
A most striking idea: the idea and/as an idea for a form.
local parenting ahead
One of the most demanding challenges with kids, at least when they are at a younger age, is that they share very few to zero of your interests, while they are constantlysharingdumping their interestswithon you. Coming from the ones you love, consider this a sobering experience.
I amWe are celebrating a new period of (single) Parenting Ahead, 13-22 October. Keep checking the local parenting paragraph.
One can but hope to make a child laugh or feel clear and happy-headed as he follows the simple rhythm to its logical end. It can jog him with the unexpected and comfort him with the familiar, lift him for a few minutes from his own problems of shoelaces that won't tie, and busy parents and mysterious clock time, into the world of a bug or a bear or a bee or a boy living in the timeless world of a story.
(Margaret Wise Brown, writer of Songs and Nonsense, quoted in Parenting Ahead week one, 2000)
[10 October 2003] matrioshka
re: Toute la planète achète et vend sur Internet, Dmitriy Bogorodskiy chimes in:
I thank you for a purchase Nesting dolls "Matrioshka".
We have sent to you this of products in 2 package. October, 10. 2003.
The time of delivery occupies up 2 to 6 weeks.
When you receive this product we shall be are glad to hear your.
re: "underhyping the internet", I used to link to tales of extraordinary connectivity.
[9 October 2003] media content
For The Love Of Cats We Suffer Many A Bird's Loss.
Content comes naturally to media. After the media being the message, now the media being the commodity, massaged into us, implant reality, we can relax about our organisms and again marvel at the messages they are comforted by.
EasyEmpire Comforts. Fill in your own [SIK TRAN-sit GLAWR-ee-uh MOON-dee] hear the drawl mileage.
Toute la planète achète et vend sur Internet (EBay France).
Media Maxima Culpa?
Optimistic note.
local content
Nick Caves No More Shall We Part
[7 October 2003] eerie-culture
At the E-culture Fair I hope to present UbiScribe. Conducted at the Jan van Eyck I hesitate to fix its format. Originally thought of as a web oriented personal publishing research, every concept of containing it is naturally bound to fail... so to articulate this wild phenomenon shall be the projects objective.
To publish where there is no publishing house, no editorial board, no kiosk, no supscription base, no revenue, no library... but the reader/writer, a communication network and ever ready push and pull servers.
Coming Soon To A Screen Or Printer Near You just-in-time, Just For You.
Pervasive publishing.
Hotel Mondial, Barcelona, 1980
[5 October 2003] 1980-
Spent all day in Gods Own Attic. Trying to find Him twas good Clean up the way it was. Ran across all my ages from 5 up. Photographic memory in b/w/c. Ill scan some before I send it to relevant parties. In 1980 over a 3 months period I shot some 900 b/w photographs in the South of France and Spain north of Barcelona, as well as in that city itself. I printed all on stock Tura Brom chamois paper, 3×3", then chronologically single frame animated them for an 8mm film loop, at 16 frames/s running for about one minute. I dug up the cardboard box with the original prints. Would I scan all of them to remake the work digitally? It would be an affordance to use different frame rates, for different viewings. Add titling. Maybe for the 'wandering' show, next year in De Paviljoens.
Intuition. Imagine during age 25-40 zero-review recording one's life's content age 40-70. You preconceive and furnish the stories that will only much later be disclosed in your presence, taking double the time that you spent collecting them. What economy of preparation! What learning opportunity.
My CP4300s counter is at 4677.JPG this morning, shooting since 11 November 2002. Frame rates go up in digital media. We definitely are recording.
Re: Paul, feeding his first weblog years into his present attention. Deja You.
two ocra seedboxes, a raspberry, a chicken egg
[3 October 2003] 01Harvest
Knee, elbow, shoulder islands in the bath. Hans Arp pancakes. J in foam on a dark yellow ground, in a water closet. M.C. emails on figure/ground. Narrative wandering. Box within a box within a box. A dark room. Felt feed. Magnetics. Repository. Matryoshka recovering. Glossy white and black spray paint. Vent, déraison de la nature (Francis Picabia).
1 pixel = 1 cm scale
Acquired two sheets of paper, measuring 100×140 (5/7 ratio) centimeters. Some support surface to dwell on.
biggest Matryoshka 72 pieces
< 76 nqpaofu 78 > 1998-2004 jouke kleerebezem Notes Quotes Provocations and Other Fair Use