cultural intelligence works design equals information web summary visual mark-up


Design Equals Information Web Summary Full Text

invisible design went extinct transperence perdu

We live an age of visibility. Media abundancy delivers around the clock exposure. All visual content shall be called information. All information shall change around the clock. Design used to master visual content. It formed it, framed it, solidifying it true to its meaning — itself disappearing out of sight, transparent to its messages. Today design is the most visible part of our communication. We live by design. Design makes our world go round.

new media: speed gained, interest raised? vitesse grise

k/s 2.4, 14.4, 28.8, 56 — ISDN, ADSL, cable... real time: we gather speed. In the post pull and push era we stream audio and video down and up. Information spreads in all directions. Its presence nears ubiquity. Paul Virilio coined the 'écologie grise' for our loss of distance. Speed of lightning is grey, it pollutes distance, and space, and presence. Presence of information is at stake, when there is 'no here in here', as we say of the Internet. Information design is design for attention, presence: it kills speed and space for a clear here and now of experience.

information design metaphors ascii sexyy

The un-building of informational drift requires new metaphors. No more chunks or nuggets, no more 'tsunami'; less architects, landscapes, pages or desktops. Some mapping, as un-territory: mapping fed back to territory, territory fed to sensors. ASCII in the rear-view mirror, infinitely small, the green glow of prime information, raw data, forever warped behind.

design as meta-information vous êtes ici

Good, bad or no design offer no information whatsoever, unless it is visual meta-information that focuses on dynamic content properties: where do we 'find ourselves' in this drift? What is its directions, dynamics, sources, generations, half-lifes, its politics and poietics, its interests, (un-)scheduled expirations, (un-scheduled) updates, licenses? Above all: who else are subscribed to it? We want to learn, we need that information, now!

paying attention, earning attention and... oh yeah, speed control faites attention

Now pay attention: information wants to be shared. Attention means speed control, not necessarily slowing down — there ain't no slowing down information. Sharing it controls speed, too. There's a limit to sharing. Information sharing generates knowledge. Knowledge can be lightning fast and dead still. We need to share attention.

some recommended reading bibliothèque

Mirror Worlds; or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox...; How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean (David Gelernter); Vom Subjekt zum Projekt; Menschwerdung (Vilém Flusser); The Mode of Information; Poststructuralism and Social Context (Mark Poster); Trickster Makes This World; Mischief, Myth, and Art (Lewis Hyde)

