notes, quotes, provocations and other fair use by jouke kleerebezem
issue 83
conversational drift
informatic license
exquisite enclaves
OLD est. 22 MARCH 1998 SCHOOL
NQP enters its seventh year of publication.
French local and regional elections divide the vote (if translated nationally) between the extreme right (17,5%) and a revival of the left (40,5%), at the cost of the ruling right (34%), the extreme left (5%) and others (3%). St. Germain des Bois, my community, showed a larger than average turnout, 72,4%, against 60% national, but its vote is conservative.
YMMV on whatever these days one should consider (extreme) left and right, in ones political landscape. You could draw up some map though, re: economic, social, cultural not topics but principles, as on gender, race, sexual affiliation, civic rights; welfare; economy; religious, social, cultural tolerance; ecology; education, etc., which then desire focused and smart local fine-tuning. To relate the map and the territory. I would be disgusted and ashamed with Jean-Marie Le Pen as a president, but would I have left the US after George W. Bush's election? Then again... to retread or to resist remains the question.
(looking out for more to add)
The anarchist economical-political map.
Characoal test on back cover, mentioned in a previous entry.
Any resemblance to actual dates and their events is unintentional and purely coincidental. No dates hovering over your entries allows to move them around. Spam media went all the way down this issue, for the time being. Until I'm used to its sombre tone, or rewrite it.
Garden dump burns leaving a thick smoke over the hedge low on the road. I had to get out of the house and do something. Inside nothing really advances. I have to burn something. I want to see that smoke. I want that smell in my clothes tonight. I wanna keep my head down to the ground and watch the fire eat the grass.
The next morning from the ashes I pick charcoal stumps to rub on paper. The first surface that I find in the studio is the back cover of Henri Michaux's Ecuador.
When comparing containers (media formats) we have to find how distribution specific and content specific we want them. If you want to cater content A to audience X, this determines your choice. It sounds more straightforward than it is. Any art work chooses its own audience. So X < A contained.
If the targeted audience would have any content related container preferences (only drink their beer from cans, like my friend who even brings his own to pour the liquid gold from any other container into his meanwhile worn can), or vice versa (example anyone, of container related content preferences?, like those who'll buy any package that bears their name: You, Mr. Jouke Kleerebezem, are the Lucky Bastard &tc.), such sensitiveness should be part of your inquiry too. But how often do you decide on a container? We do not distinguish much message/medium in our practices. There's no content or form in the making dependent on its reception. Content and form follow routine. Routine is the bench mark of artistry. Audience routine to follow.
Dit beeld van mannen die na goed overleg en in hechte samenwerking onder leiding van een greyhound een vroege bus in evenwicht houden lag een paar dagen geleden in een link verborgen, als antiquated charabancs, tot ik me weer eens bedacht dat er geen verwijzing ter wereld onbetrouwbaarder is en ik hem snel naar het eigen beheer haalde.
Stel je voor wat er van 90% van de weblogs over tien jaar over is. Linkrot. Opinieverval. Informatieruïnes...
Blogr, Orkt, Flickr, Frendstr, Fotolg et al (should we already include Ggle here?) are the new publishing tools and platforms or are they? They're pervasive alright, they link up our communication commodities to display content in a variety of formats which we could call (even personal, since 99% of the content is anecdotal) publications. Or public scrap books, family albums, or guest books, discussion forums or find a name for it, like someone found weblog, for Peter to do the blog after (...err well, sure 'twas him but no history is perma, on the grid, QED, or he's just too modest a man, or MT searches suck, whatever). Maybe this new kind of publishing ephemeral private content could be to blog for short, to make a blog of some kind. Blogging thus expanding to include the kind of immediate public/private display in networked media that takes over the expression market today. Calling this blogging would at least set the phenomenon apart against consistent personal publishing, domaining, building a memory for oneself, ones family, friends and engaged contemporaries. A memory which mixes in the private and the public, the personal and the political, the anecdotal and the professional. One wo/man bandwidth publishing.
At the time when Epinions came around, already I doubted its use, arguing in favor of concentrating content with individual authors in individual publications, then to link those and improve them to be searched in great and relevant detail. By entering ones thoughts on the web, with sufficient search and link intelligence, in my view publications would naturally connect in infinite combinations, informed by an individual reader's search, edited ad hoc after an urgent interest, ready to inform him or her, while s/he in this time and age might very well be a self publishing author too. Very likely so.
The (original?) ideology of the network is to connect disparate autonomous content in such a way that first, mutual relevance be linked and second, content is essentially available on command, read: will emerge upon a search, or be delivered answerable to a distinct reader profile, which was trusted to the network for the sole purpose of customization of certain types of content, not to be spammed forever. Nothing being involuntarily pushed or authoritatively pre-selected, edited, the network would allow access to disparate bits, tagged to allow to be linked and searched. Network content, period. The Early Information Age IT solutions show some defects which could be considered rear-view mirror mistakes: authorized organization of content to resist radical fragmentation as much as search inadequacy both hinder the dreamt of and sketched out model for network publishing, including all imaginable forms of popular expression.
A Flickr or Orkut profile, or a Fotolog is completely different a container from a personal publication. I don't think I have to list different properties here. Essentially the first are enhanced online forums, part of community building, the last is an Arts & Letters tradition publication format creative work essentially. For this kind of cultural production I foresaw possibilities with Amazon (also described in inf0Arcadia) which never came about and are now successfully invested in by Google. Amazon simply didn't recognize the publishing potential of the network in time. It built smart demographics to sell products, stuff not to serve publishing, literature, journalism, thought. Google uses its search savvy to take up the challenge of abundant online publishing, respectful of the essentially fragmented character of expression. It provides platforms to publish indeed, without disturbing the network's inherent fragmentation. There's lots more to say about Google here and elsewhere, not in this rant however.
Clearly Google is a network native information age service, Amazon a network extension of an old mercantile world. Both are relevant for contemporary publishing, both serve different interests. We should include other agents in the discussion, like file sharing and P2P and open source informed initiatives. Generally we have to distinguish between enhanced social systems, community building and connecting real life and information habit, making the network part of the everyday experience in ever so many ways, and on the other hand individual artistry, individual authorship in a traditional sense, using new technologies and media to build bodies of work, consisting of memory and speculation. These two strands of communication and expression follow within a larger scheme of media development, in which we should distinguish two major projects: one of mediatization (which is a capital stategy lacking precision) and one of informationalization (a refinement beyond individuality to serve interest-precise demand). On the radical difference between these big communication media projects and on the consequent challenges for art, design and publishing, I am in the process of finishing the Informatiseringsopruiming (informationalization sale) essay. A bit behind deadline, you may notice, but still. If it ain't real time, it can still be just-in-time...
In drie talen heb je drie keer zoveel stof. Maar niet drie keer zoveel tijd. Stof, materiaal, materie. Taalwaar, woordkraam. Vormwaar. Niet alleen geeft het opgeven van de kalenderdwang deze publicatie vleugels... maar ook de vrijheid in meerdere talen te spreken. Wat een verlossing! N/Q/P in E/N/F... en OF U ff meeleest? Zo kan ik zonder kalender ook de tijd maal drie vermenigvuldigen? Die ik nodig zal hebben om de nieuwe waar te merken, zoals me dat in het Engels de afgelopen zes jaar soms gelukte. De eerste en laatste keer dat ik mijn moerstaal hoorde roepen was niet per abuis rond deze tijd van het jaar, bijna vier jaar geleden. Dat heeft toen met onderbrekingen precies 17 zoete maanden geduurd.
Honestly I estimate the ratio to settle around 80/15/5. The Dutch fever is temporary. And the Dutch-only readership a minority, if ever there was one.
Henri Michaux voer in 1928 vanuit Amsterdam met de Boskoop naar Ecuador, nadat hij ter voorbereiding al zijn hele ivoren bezit liet trekken uit angst voor oraal ongemak (hij bleef toch een Belg), maar aan het einde van zijn reisaantekeningen verzucht: Nu ben ik er echt van overtuigd. Deze reis is een flater. Reizen verruimt je niet, maar maakt je mondain, op de hoogte, een vreter van het interessante, hooggenoteerd, hooggeprezen, met de stompzinnige houding van een jurylid voor een schoonheidsprijs. De houding ook van handige jongen. Dat betekent al evenmin iets. Je kunt je eigen waarheid net zo goed vinden door achtenveertig uur naar een willekeurig behang te kijken.
Tijdens de belgsurf kom ik ook Louis Paul Boon weer tegen, die ik me vooral herinner van Mieke Maaike's obscene jeugd en van wie ik nu Vertellingen van Jo lees en voorlees aan R+r. Fraaie staaltjes Belgonisch jargon ook gier: Ik ben weeral een toer tegengekoomen, kwestie met het bezoek aan nonkel Theodoor, dien ik niet kan hooren of rieken, want hij trekt op een dondervlaag en hij stinkt naar een oude kleerkast. Ieder jaar met Nieuwjaar moet ik hem een kaartje schrijven Veel geluk en liefderijke groeten van Jo, en onze Pa zegt dan dat ik hem niet moet vragen wanneer hij er nu eindelijk op een treffelijke manier gaat van onder muizen, en ons in zijn testament zetten, de leelijke azijnpisser die hij is.
No-date NQP gives me wings. It's much lighter... I'm not that much of a kannibal kabalist to enjoy number crunching like I do word play. The disdated format is much easier to migrate, too. Into the material world, and beyond. Issue numbering I have to admit is a first love. Live to upload a 100!
There is no reason whatsoever to connect a certain idea to a certain date, outside anecdote and news item. Quite on the contrary: ideas become restless, uneasy, if they are to be fit in a date. Dates hurt.
Quant au Français, jongens en meisjes, boys and girls, sûrement il ne s'agit que d'un contre-passage en italique...
y ta pique, y ta nique, y ta lique... italiquéfiabilité ou faire fiasco!
DE Vorm
Het is niet deze of gene ideologie die me interesseert, maar de relatie van de mens tot iedere ideologie... want in wezen gaat het mij altijd om het probleem van de Vorm (...)
Witold Gombrowicz' wenk van de schrijver, in Toneel, Operette, Polak & Van Gennep 1971
Het waanzinnige Geluk de Vorm te dienen gewerd mij uit Gombrowicz' Kosmos. En uit zijn dagboeken en interview met Dominique de Roux. Bovenstaand citaat is representatief voor G.'s discretie. De relatie van de mens tot de ideologie is niet inclusief. We lezen hem aan de vorm, waarin elke ideologie zich verraadt. De vorm zelf is natuurlijk trouw. Ze zal ons niet over zichzelf voorliegen, ondanks de uitgebreide garderobe waarover ze beschikt. Altijd is ze in de stemming voor een verkleedpartij. Ik lees Gombrowicz' Toneel, Het huwelijk sinds ik Braambos zag en de discussie erover weer over de vorm gaat, met alle traditionele verwarringen rond de maskerade van schrijver, acteur, personage, god en de ideologie. Het Onherstelbaar Verhalende noemde ik dat in 1990 voor mijn tentoonstelling in het Van Abbemuseum. Die verraderlijk aandoenlijke Vorm van onze relatie tot de Ideologieën, die Inhoud toch... tsk tsk tsk... ti-ri-ri... bembergen met de bemberg... Bergen verzetten.
Tail wheel black board. Characoal black board burn bench mark on tha charabanc back bench. Characoal share a goal blackboard. Night and Day dark situation.
Charabancs mobility. To build my own char à bancs I put a bid on this wheel base chassis. I need a vehicle to smuggle the contraband into the Paviljoens museum. Fulfil my landauer dreams.
Celebrate the return of Subterranean Notes the web's best digital art portal and artist/owner Dirk Hine's personal publication.
(Cosmos', Trans-Atlantyk's, Ferdydurke's, Pornografia's author) Witold Gombrowicz courtesy wood s lot.
Who told you VEE-told gom-BROH-veetch indeed, ... smuggling the most up-to-the-minute contraband in antiquated charabancs ... char à bancs.
The plumtree we planted sticks out 3 feet into the fruitful blue above the eleven other trees in the meadowturnedorchard behind the vegetable garden. Dear long plum, Your Double Highness, will produce double sized fruits, will pick you from a ladder.
When removing a pile of rotting compost which was left behind in the vegetable garden last fall I brush on a duck's nest.
We have 5 couples around. They stayed for the feeding routines. The mother and father of last year's 4 female and 4 male, who have this spring formed couples between them after lots of chasing, seem to have dug out this home. Late afternoon she circles the spot restlessly where I found the nest exactly. The eggs I have laid aside on the garden wall, not knowing what to do with them, hesitating to take them to the kitchen. I form a new nest in one of the chicken run's rooms and lock her, with some food. She might pick up breeding.
why it is
Because we started naming them such.
Because I considered it to be one.
Because since, it is indexed out there as such.
Because it obeys some of the format's routines.
Because it is fine as long as it lasts.
why it shouldn't be
Because I never even liked the word weblog.
Because NQP is not made in calendar time but in a lifetime.
Because what is a weblog today is different from what was 6 years ago.
Because if I remain true to the label it'll be legit forever such as to be considered.
why bother
1) I want it to be good.
2) I want it to be all I know.
3) I want it to be all I remember.
4) I want it to be what I do best.
5) I want it to be just.
6) I want it to be fake.
7) I want it to be a story.
8) I want it to be mine and yours.
9) I want it to be whatever, anything anything but blug factfed fetched fiction, ah yes... maybe.
Mass media find their fulfilment as spam media, gradually barren of all knowledge. Any image can be mediatized for a zap-only audience, which does not look for any images but to check them, hoping for any kind of excitement to occur, to stick to them for a fraction of a second. Mediatization is the coming into being of indifferent media. Spam is its default mode.
Informationalization is the disappearance of all deep knowledge out of the public eye, into disparate secret niches, raising no popular attention at all, leading to the invisibility of all wisdom, generosity and elegance, but to those in the know. Only for those who have been taught (where) to look for it, and share it if they find someone looking for it like themselves, knowledge is there to be attained.
The battle between mediatization and informationalization has only just begun and will from now on leak into any kind of conflict, in any field of interest. The development of two antagonistic super streams of information and communication is irreversible. We will not suffer the inequality between information haves and have-nots the world will split apart under the clash of two mutant kinds of Homo Sapiens, denying each other the right of communication and information preferences, between mediatized and informationalized power structures.
Pedagogy will at best involve teaching to closely look at and understand mass/popular media, to watch its every single move, never shut that television down, swallow all of its porn, to be vigilant while finding shelter and relief in information media, never disconnecting from the network of trust. Networked information can never feed mass/popular media, beyond serving it as just more spam. There is no single shared interest between the two projects.
What depressing thoughts. I hate myself for being paranoid. It's not like me at all. I never imagine horror scenarios like informatic cleansing, or other coming fundamentalism. Couldn't I turn my thought around? Could I be more optimistic?
Informationalization is a hope nevertheless, not to be confined to secret societies, not against mediatization, which will only partly be as in my darkest fears (as it already is), but parallel to it, as an alternative to it, as a choice, something not imposed, searchable, detailed, intimate if you want to, bold if you prefer, silly if you like, uninspired if you are... The principle of networked information media, open media, with its unbound opportunity to host any interest, and many-to-many availability, is highly preferable to any one-to-many broadcast medium. In the best of possible options, popular/mass media would cement part of the information media served interests to constitute a broader cultural memory. 1998-2004 jouke kleerebezem Notes Quotes Provocations and Other Fair Use