notes, quotes, provocations and other fair use by jouke kleerebezem
issue 81
conversational drift
informatic license
exquisite enclaves
[30 January 2004] Uensuabscrpibe?
Irma always rings twice. She and her family of door-to-door saleswo/men prove Badiou's point. Porn is a good example of how censorship was abandoned in commercial Western media over the past 50 years. The first nude on Dutch (public for a lack of choice) television was in VPRO station's Hoepla youth programme, in 1967, when Phil Bloom careful closed a newspaper to uncover her breasts. She sat cross-legged in a chair and did not walk from it, if I remember well. The next infamous mass media nude after this piece of television was in the PSP (Pacifist Socialist Party) election poster, where a nude comes running towards the spectator from a meadow, with a cow in the background, under the ontwapenend (disarming) headline. This must have been around 1970, when the expression of freedom once and for all proved the left's moral decadence in the eyes of consensus politics.
These examples rather than being pornographic, belong to a Freikörper Kultur aesthetic, while sexual explicitness of course has a longer tradition than this, but not over the mass counter. The rest of us have gained a lot of legal public space in the meantime, which is a good thing. But indeed achieved so mainly as a result of market opportunities which also brought in the second and third rate goods and services that the Rosens advertize and which continue to feed double morale and bog our inbox.
22 September 1967 Phil Bloom television appearance and the 1971 PSP campaign poster
(for more Dutch election posters see
Coming to think of it, intellectual property rights might be the media industry's coming censorship. And the next porn.
[28 January 2004] sinnpause [29 January 2004]
A Sinnpause is like a compressed sabbatical. I was inadvertently struck by one over the past months. Since Bangalore-Kovalam it reworks into something else, vigorously. P.S.: you can consider this a note to self that I would hope to live up to. Swing mood, swing... rock... whatever. Paint it black. Paint it white.
Later. Silly dates. January 29? Another day with no school bus so no school. Frost and sun return to the valley. Light pours into the studio. All eyes open wide. Remove lens cap. Oh we're so optical topical.
The afternoon is entirely spent preparing and surveying a pot au feu, sawing fire wood and being nostalgic with Radio Bleu Auxerre.
Then all of a sudden Irma Rosen chimes in. Irma who? Rosen? She produces a password: godhead. It's getting better already but we're not expecting guests at this hour. Her message reads, in true cut 'n paste fashion: Get the most out of your louve liofe. Orsder your Vkiagxra and Sjupser Viyagpra saufely and securrely onlitne. Civalzis (Suoper Viiatgra) takes affdect rigbht away and lalsts for dauys! and leaves me a choice of two: Eqntier Heire, or Uensuabscrpibe. Louve your Irma or be impooteint, for dauys. C+D, check and delete, you God Head goa head.
Riposte. The Caterina, Paul and NQP interview...
Linked via the riposte sidebar: Alain Badiou theses at 16beavergroup.
Since it is sure of its ability to control the entire domain of the visible and the audible via the laws governing commercial circulation and democratic communication, Empire no longer censures anything. All art, and all thought, is ruined when we accept this permission to consume, to communicate and to enjoy. We should become the pitiless censors of ourselves.
This end of censorship is an interesting hypothesis. The empire giving up censorship because it can sell anything, embed anything commercially, acknowledge any market. It's a strong idea. There seems to be little bews to contemporary art though. Isn't the artist traditionally a pitiless censor of her or himself? Isn't this exactly what we call a practice of critiquing, the necessity which makes art come about? Precisely self-imposed, not to serve any imperial obstat, not to make the same mistake as consensus culture, to be imperial? The fact that the EasyEmpire gives up on censorship makes no difference for an artist's merciless rigour which never dealt with the empire's choices. Except that now the artist's self-censorship is placed under a different light, the censoring f/act becoming an issue in itself, a statement, next to and possibly part of, embedded in, the work, which, to quote AB again, can only be non-imperial, abstract from all particularity. Yet its self-censorship is particular. (Badiou's fifteen theses on contemporary art are hidden in this document's source, for those who are interested).
Hasn't contemporary art always been about not accepting any permission, neither from consensus censorship nor from consensus tolerance, in exchange making its own rules, with and at the benefit of that which doesn't exist? Art (non-imperial art, as Badiou would have it) is the only conditionally self-critical act. If not self-critical, art is not. How tolerant can the artist be?
[27 January 2004] shut up and rec
Using battery power, 112 minutes, which is available since 5 December 2003 when it was charged to take Bangalore-Kovalam footage, something which never happened, the camera bag never even opened, I do a 360° video scan of the Moulin view of a wet winter landscape, taking minute parts WNW from the bathroom, SSE from R+r's room, next my new study, ESE from the master bedroom, ENE from God's own attic, next R's room. The waters rose quickly. Yellow streams in the white wasteland. The valley fills up again. On the hill opposite the house I find some good views.
The libraries take more time. Subcollection early 20C travel guides find themselves together again, several hundreds. Right after reading playing with your books is an equally fine thing to do. Dusting, lining up, ordering, neighbouring while flipping them thoughtlessly, amazed with whatever pages present themselves is when books are best, more book than text, more experience than story. Someday I will use those travel guides from the early years of tourism, to travel time.
More recovered time travel: Pierre Restany's Yves Klein le feu au cœur du vide. I hang a large photo copy of the leap into the void. Return here. Un homme dans l'espace! When searching Klein further I find that Felix Gonzalez-Torres on his desk kept a postcard of Klein's leap, as a reminder, to take the leap for me, to jump time, and the material.
[26 January 2004] pan-intermediation
Added an offgoogloid. Surprisingly something which has been on my mind for a while I did not google until today. Recommendation has become a many-to-many practice. We build reputations in the context from which we offer our opinions and preferences in a variety of matters. Weblogs are good at this. Epinions commercialized one of the inherent qualities of the web, which is interest based, search engine enhanced information query. Now a rather dumb shopping recommendation site, Epinions started off as a grassroots agency platform. Also then my critique however was that we do not need such an institutionalized stage when we have linked personal publishing and search functionality.
Panintermediation is the default mechanism for any information sharing practice. You are what you search and what you are searched for. Every publication builds its own audience. Some will pass only to find an answer to that query, some will find their interests served in a publication's content/context over a longer period. The latter contribute to it in the form of regular comments, correspondence or simply by linking from their own publications. These can be read as different recommendations.
In Bangalore at DoorsEast Gillian Crampton-Smith disapproved at first sight with my interest in personal publishing the more the merrier, regarding 6.5 and counting billion voices out there a screaming nightmare. But when also for my own comfort I sketched this scenario out on paper, of course you find out that these 6.400.180.834+ connect into myriad smaller and larger interest pockets, each with their own contained reputation.
Via the context weblog, an emerging culture observatory just added to the good web listing because it serves an interesting range of topics in a smart presentation: Search Inside the Book, an Amazon service to search 33+ million printed but electronic pages for text fragments. Among my early Amazon fantasies was their übercatering, from InfoArcadia I quote:
(...) Amazon could all of a sudden offer me a volume with otherwise unpublished texts by my favorite writers. Published in an edition of 1. Straight from their database. Which language would you prefer? Do you want your copy printed, hardcover or pb, with or without bookmarker or electronic, as a hypertext with secondary literature sources, links to websites? Would you like to exchange mail with the living authors? Would you like to know how author A critiqued work X by author B? Would you like to have your own 1999 inf0Arcadia included in readers like the one we're offering you? If so, would you still have in your possession some unpublished original notes, or sequels to that text? We can manage your notes in your account's database, which is only accessible to yourself (at any chosen moment you can lock or unlock parts of its contents. Every publication provides you with a measured fee, which' sum total depends on the amount of words, the wealth of its buyer, your possible interest in a continuation of a relationship with the buyer, possible earlier sales)... depending only on the power of Amazon's database this could go on.
As a penance for wild customization fantasies I start re-arranging my library tonight. The dust makes me sneeze a lot. My books are all on the wrong shelves, in bad company. Foei. This will take me days.
[24-25 January 2004] the web's I
I need someone to
I really feel bad about
I cry over your
I wash wool
I hesitate to tell
I draw my conclusion
I pretend not to
I greatly admire the guts
I rather not mention
I went shopping
I leave it to the reader
I drunk one too many
I saved my dog's life
I happen to understand
I fuck up
I am not covering
I listen
I take dinner
I have
I am
I would certainly hope for
I am just too confused
I can go on
[22 January 2004] white bone black smoke color noise
The stuff that surrounds us sends us these colors. It's maddening. Even at night they speak to us. The only way to keep your sanity is by talking back to them. How to talk back to the colors that surround us? First you learn their language. Then you address them. You tell them you love them. Then you ask for some quiet.
This means you too, Raspberry Sherbet, Blush, Fawn...
[21 January 2004] water
We are looking at a lot of water around the house. While I was in Maastricht the place got flooded once again. Since, the water fell but it is much larger than average. Much to the amusement of the ducks which stay in the water day and night.
The fantasy web.
I steal Andrea € 17-ish worth of mobile communication. She is on the way out from Paris CdG. Her opening in Strasbourg is April 23. I schedule.
I sent some important correspondence. On money and matters of the heart. Or what have you. In two different mails.
I look up stains. There's plenty. But we could add some. Where did we look up stains before
Stains are great. Colored sand is another interesting material.
I wash wool both knitted and woven, all cottons, all silks and any manmade fibre.
street wise, city foolish; aka (almost) under the pavement: meta haven, sea, land, myth
(photo Annelys de Vet)
[16 January 2004] ubiscribe
13-17 January at the Jan van Eyck Academie we open a new research year. I present Ubiscribe. This link takes you to my slides and some links that I provide the community. It's a start. Some of these are quite appropriately up my alley. Like the Proboscis ones. The best news is that Claudia Hardi joins the team. Other good news includes the presence in Maastricht of Jan van Grunsven and Willem van Weelden, and a night out to author that city, with Daniel MetaHaven van der Velden, Hinrich Trichtlinnburg Sachs and Annelys QuestionTime de Vet, who also caught D. under that poster.
Ex-researcher Irene Hohenbüchler visited in the context of Johan Deumens' inventory of artists' books made at the JvE over the last 30 years. Irene had not visited JvE for 13 years. I remember Irene and her twin sister Christine from the late 1980s when I was a visitor here myself. Their book Her6ar I remembered from that period but only acquired when I re-entered in 2001. It reflects a working period at the Kunstwerkstatt Lienz. I was moved by her presence in an unexpected way. If one word would describe it (and I have to verify it in the NL/E dictionary) it would be ontwapenend, disarming. A rare feature in the art world.
< 80 nqpaofu 82 > 1998-2004 jouke kleerebezem Notes Quotes Provocations and Other Fair Use